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/ Amiga Collections: Taifun / Taifun 115 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).zip / Taifun 115 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).adf / MAC_Fonts / Stencil / 15 / Stencil-15.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1989-07-08  |  13KB
Labels: dialog box | door | reckoner | road | sky | web site
OCR: abcde ighijk kimnopqrstuwxyz ABCDEF FGHIIKLS INOPOR STUUWXYZ 0123456739 %+i.. - <= []{}! The quick brown fox jumps over the IcIz y clog. The quick brown fox jumps ouer the lazy dog 22 The quick brown fox jumps ouer the Iczy Bop 36 The quick brown jups ouer the XZDI Bop 42 The br jumps ouer the ICIZY Bop 60 The cuick prown junps the ICIzy The cuick bIown jumps Quer T imnopqr Iazy oier AZDI